The chef line up for Richmond, Virginia this April 2 -5.
CleanFish is proud to be a sponsor of Indie Chefs Week events across the country in 2020. The dedication, creativity and advocacy of chefs is what allows seafood producers to keep innovating.
Chefs from Richmond and around the country will convene at Brenner Pass, hosted by Chef Brittanny Anderson for three multi-course dinners on Thursday, Friday and Sunday night.
Get details and reserve your tickets online (they’re selling out fast!)
Follow the action on Instagram @indiechefscommunity
See you in Richmond, Virginia!
About Indie Chefs Week 2020
We're building a stronger culinary community, one city at a time.
The dinners are the excuse. With help from our sponsors and your patronage, we get the hottest chefs in North America together for 4 days of cooking, bonding, and the sharing of ideas. We know the hospitality industry needs to change and we're doing our damndest to make it happen, one city at a time. 24 chef strangers became new found bffs in 4 days with your culinary community as the background. You get to take part in this magical experience by eating at the dinners.
ICW is the only event of its kind, putting the chefs’ enjoyment and continued education at the forefront. Our mission is to bring publicity to hardworking and under-appreciated up-and-comers that don't have the luxury of a large PR budget. We strive to elevate the underrepresented in kitchens, in a white-male-dominated industry, and be a catalyst for change in the toxic restaurant culture that has for too long enabled harassment in all its forms. By fostering a community of like-minded and talented chefs across all markets, we hope to be a clearinghouse of the best ideas, techniques, and business practices to foster the change that's been needed for decades.
With help from our sponsors and guests, ICW covers all expenses for the visiting and local chefs including travel, hotel accommodations, food costs, location fees, and pays for culinary tours for the chefs to learn about each market's unique food community. Without this support, many of these chefs wouldn't have the financial resources to leave their kitchens to participate. We appreciate your support and hope to see you at one (or all) of our dinners!